
Explore the programs that protect Crescent Lake. Our programs ensure we maintain water quality now and for the future. 


All of our work is managed by volunteers. Our lake is protected by you giving some time to protect it! 


We depend on donations to be able to continue our programs. We are a 501(3)(c) nonprofit. Your donations are tax deductible.

Togus Pond to receive dayslong chemical treatment in battle against algae

Togus Pond is about to undergo a chemical treatment to be dispersed from a barge, intended to prevent the popular body of water from turning green from algae blooms this summer.

Phase II Watershed Fundraising Underway!

$10,000 for Implementation Plan

We did it before, we can do it again!  Upon completion of the Watershed Survey, we require another $10,000 for Phase II, slated for accomplishment by 2025.

Information from the survey will assist in crafting the Watershed-based Protection Plan, outlining strategies and schedules for mitigating efforts over the next decade. Such plans are crucial for effective water quality preservation and restoration. 

Partner with CLWA in stewarding the Crescent Lake Watershed, preserving its health and beauty for generations to come. Your support is invaluable in safeguarding our environment’s future.

Does Your Company Have An Employee Donation Program?

Crescent Lake Watershed Association is now eligible!  Most major companies offer employee donation programs as part of their corporate social responsibility initiatives. These programs encourage and reward giving among employees, allowing them to make a positive impact on their communities.

Check with your company today!